Kongo Lesson 1

What were the reasons for the rise of Kongo?

Kongo before the arrival of the Portuguese
Reasons for the rise of Kongo:-
• Geography
• Forming alliances
• Migration
• Kanda system

1. Unavailable [YOUTUBE Video]
2. Start glossary of key terms (this will be added to over the next few lessons)
3. Write a paragraph describing Kongo before the arrival of the Portuguese
4. Make a causation diagram showing the reasons for the rise of Kongo


E-Book: pp.18 – 19

Kingdom of Kongo – Introduction (PPT)

Metmuseum.org – Kongo Power and Majesty
Africa Federation
BBC World Service
British Museum Teachers Notes
British Museum Student Worksheets
British Museum Presentation
Thornton: Origins and Early History of the Kingdom of Kongo [JSTOR]
Birmingham: Speculations on the Kingdom of Kongo [JSTOR]
Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia
Britannica Encyclopedia
History Files
Kongo Blog
Sculpture of the Kingdom of Kongo (boundless.com)
South African History Online


Oliver and Atmore: The African Middle Ages pp.150-153

Complete class work.

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